Hey there, can you show the code for the sound and delay?
Hello there. If I want all my buttons to play my “pop” sound on clicked, I need to add 0.5 delay in my blueprint on roughly half of the buttons. Even though it’s the same button just on 2 different HUD displays, one may work and the other just won’t play a sound without the added delay. Anyone able to explain why this is?
Thank you.
I need this delay, for the pop sound to work on half of the buttons (roughly). Only on cellphone, it works fine without the delay on pc. There is no extra stress on the UMG on the buttons working with sound, and buttons not working with sound.
I could actually use remove parent, to make the menu more efficient I suppose. Would it do anything to load times? My menu is instant as is, when buttons are clicked.
From that screenshot you are immediately playing the sound, waiting 0.05 seconds and creating a new widget and adding it to the viewport while remove all widgets (is this supposed to be to delete the current widget? i usually use remove from parent)
Why are you doing a delay of 0.05? that is 50 ms not 500 ms.
Because it’s all I need for the pop sound to work.