On BeginPlay, I call a looping timeline to animate my pickup. Just to rotate and sorta bob up and down. Then when I pick up the pickup, I destroy the actor. Every time I pick one up, I get the error:
PIE: Error: Blueprint Runtime Error: Attempted to access Timeline_0 via property Timeline_0, but Timeline_0 is pending kill from function: ‘ExecuteUbergraph_PickupBase’ from node: Timeline_0 in graph: EventGraph in object: PickupBase with description: Attempted to access Timeline_0 via property Timeline_0, but Timeline_0 is pending kill
Not sure how to fix this, or stop it from erroring. Or even perhaps a better way of doing the animation?
This is off the Beginplay:
It doesnt get accessed anywhere else. When the user overlaps the pickup, he gets the info then calls a function saying it was picked up. That function calls DestroyActor. And the error is specifically Timeline_0 trying to access Timeline_0
I’m not sure what changed, but the error is gone now. I dont think I changed any code since it last happened. I was thinking that maybe it was because the timeline is on the base blueprint, and I’m actually picking up a child blueprint, but now I’m not getting the error at all.