"Bureau of Contacts" co-op horror (June 20)

Hello everybody!
Wanna share some of screenshots of the current work with “Bureau of Contacts”, future PC co-op horror about paranormal in which the generative AI technologies drive the behaviour of the enemies.

If you like the genre, welcome to wishlist on Steam - Bureau of Contacts on Steam


Testing the reaction of generative AI-driven ghost to the provocation.


Hi there @AnnaMiroWin ! Welcome to posting with us here on the forums!

I’m a huge sucker for games like this. However, I will say I’m pleasantly surprised to see the more old time style with the name. For some reason by brain associated bureau with something like Men in Black.

Is the current ghost we see the only ghost model we will have at this time?


Hi there @AnnaMiroWin,

Hope you’re well and having a wonderful week so far :slight_smile:

Just wanted to pop in and say the screenshots you included all look amazing. The environments seem so detailed and cohesive in style. Also, “reaction of generative AI-driven ghost to the provocation” sounds like something out of a gamers dream. So genuinely cool.

Hope to see more about this soon :smiley:

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I’m back and see questions and motivating words here) It’s so nice!

So far, there is one ghost model in the project, albeit with different configurations in appearance. This is because for now we are working more on the “brain” and different types of temperament… and yes, we plan to scale it all out to several visually different ghosts once we finish with the behavioral models.

On a past project we regularly published boring devlogs (text + pictures + sometimes technical videos). We were bored ourselves from that kind of content.

We reminded about that now, with this new project, and it’s happend that we decided show the future of the lobby in “Bureau of Contacts” in some kind of sketch format :slight_smile:

Yeah, the lobby in our horror game is not scary, but it is the only safe place in the game for relaxation between scary missions.

Another sketch-like devlog, which actually shows the work with light effects as one of the ways of psychological pressure on players. But we didn’t miss the opportunity to fool around here too.

It’s hard to be the Boss of the agents of “Bureau of Contacts” in our horror game.
Especially when this guys are not under control.
Actually that’s the Lobby location, so they can relax before the missions.

I have previously shown how a ghost in “Bureau of Contacts” can react to provocation.
But the outcome is not always start hunting you down and possibly killing you.
Sometimes IT just wants to mess with you for fun.

Еasy-to-understand game loop in “Bureau of Contacts” is complicated by a few nuances.

One of them - 2 enemies are playing against you at the same time. Besides the ghost, the location itself is setting various traps for you.

One of them - attracting eye.


Hi again @AnnaMiroWin,

So nice to check up on all the updates and see all the progress that’s happened since I last popped in. :slight_smile: The latest video really piqued my interest with the " 2 enemies are playing against you at the same time". The idea of the environment being against you is so rad. Is the location “sentient” and vicious or are traps merely placed inside it?

We have endowed only the ghost with special intelligence, and the location with its traps helps him.
So, ghost is smarter and superior of the two of them.

Activated location’s trap while ghost is hunting? You know, that you attracted the ghost’s attention.
And that’s not counting the fact that the location traps also bring additional trouble - delay movement, reduced visibility, for example, or can even kill.

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Сontinue to bring “Bureau of Contacts” closer to its June 27 release by finalizing the hunt, including light/sound alerts for the hunt.

You can see that the beginning of the hunt is notified by a characteristic sound signal

And the ghost’s proximity can be recognized, in particular, by flashlight blinking.

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The projector 's job is to illuminate the ghost if it is nearby.

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The scared gasp at the end was glorious :smiley: Glad you’re sharing more clips. This game looks great so far!

thank you, working hard and busy as a :honeybee:

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In “Bureau of Contacts” you fight against 2 enemies at the same time.

One of them is the location itself, which sets you traps:

  • static (on the ceiling, on the walls, on the floor), like this board with nails.
  • dynamic (originally hidden in some cabinet or other enclosed space), like this wormhole.

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Hi there @AnnaMiroWin !

I love this gameplay showcase. I was following along and giggling the whole time with this short clip. This gentleman certainly has my mindset of asking if it can be touched. I know myself and my partner love exploring all the fortunes and misfortunes of a game.

I also feel like the date is a new addition since I last commented here. I apologize if I’m wrong, but does this mean we’ll be seeing a release come June 27th?

Even earlier)

If nothing happen, June 20 at 10am PT.

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Hi @AnnaMiroWin !

I’m so excited that it’s here! I can’t wait to get it when my funds are available!

I did see that there was the Spiritualism Questions Bundle on the Steam page, but it doesn’t say much about what it is. Can I ask what that is or is it just a placeholder for now?