Buoyancy on Gertsner wave

Hey everyone, I’ve been creating a gerstner wave on unreal engine using these 2 resources:

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_y7Z0MbGOMw
  2. https://developer.nvidia.com/gpugems/gpugems/part-i-natural-effects/chapter-1-effective-water-simulation-physical-models

Here is the equation for the gerstner wave that I’m using (it’s the 9th equation in the second link above):

The wave works perfectly but I have no idea how to implement buoyancy on objects for this wave in such a way that the object will follow the wave’s motion, no matter its world position. So this means going up and down with the wave depending on where on the wave it is. SInce I can’t access any values from the material function or the material itself of the gerstner wave, I tried recreating the equation in a normal actor blueprint but it doesn’t seem to sync up properly with the wave. Does anyone know if what I’m trying to do is even possible? If so, then how can I implement it?

Hey mate,

I am trying to do this exact same thing. I’m no pro, but my research has told me that I need to implement a synchronized timing factor to the equation.

Hope this helps

You’ll need a better network clock implementation than what UE provides by default. It can literally be off by seconds.

Plenty of google results…
