Buoyancy issue.

Hi I am currently trying to get a beach ball mesh I created to float using the buoyancy component, but can’t seem to get the object to float. I am currently using Unreal Engine 5.2 in case that helps. How does the buoyancy component recognise water, does it detect the material or the actual mesh?

Also how do the pontoons work? Below are screenshots of the Blueprint for the Beach ball mesh with buoyancy component and my current buoyancy settings.

You need to have a Physics Volume then set it to Water.
Physics on contact should be ticked as well if you want surface interaction.

Brilliant thanks for this. So it shouldn’t matter which water material or mesh you use as long as you have this volume?

Unfortunately it is still not working, it just sinks. Could it be to do with that I am using a mesh as it works okay in the level that came with the plugin, it just isn’t working in my own level.

Did you add a pontoon in the buoyancy component? Should only need one set dead center of the ball matching radius.

Yeah I did that. I managed to get it working by having to add a water body component via the quickly add to project button under the water surface. For the pontoon, would creating a socket for it be any good? Also How do I set the radius correctly, each time I have been trying to center the radius, but i keeps jumping on the water surface.