I am using Capturing Reality to reconstruct a set of frames from a video sequence.
I am exporting the images to the “Bundler (negative z)” file format, for use with my application, however, I am running into an issue.
When exporting the bundler file, the images are undistorted and saved as new image files.
These images can either be renamed 00001 - 0000N, or can preserve their original filenames.
BUT - if they preserve their original filenames, there seems to be no way of finding out which camera geometry (in the Bundler .out file) corresponds to each image. And if I allow them to be renamed, I lose all information about the ordering of frames in the video (because the frames are arbitrarily reordered during import and reconstruction).
I have also tried exporting the image list, but this doesn’t seem to export the names of images in the order listed in the bundler .out file.
Can I both preserve the input filenames and get an imagelist describing the order of the input filenames in the bundler .out file?