Bundler Image List


I am using Capturing Reality to reconstruct a set of frames from a video sequence.
I am exporting the images to the “Bundler (negative z)” file format, for use with my application, however, I am running into an issue.

When exporting the bundler file, the images are undistorted and saved as new image files.
These images can either be renamed 00001 - 0000N, or can preserve their original filenames.
BUT - if they preserve their original filenames, there seems to be no way of finding out which camera geometry (in the Bundler .out file) corresponds to each image. And if I allow them to be renamed, I lose all information about the ordering of frames in the video (because the frames are arbitrarily reordered during import and reconstruction).

I have also tried exporting the image list, but this doesn’t seem to export the names of images in the order listed in the bundler .out file.

Can I both preserve the input filenames and get an imagelist describing the order of the input filenames in the bundler .out file?

Hi Aleksander
Bundler is old “research” format and it‘s not possible to keep the original filenames. For what reason do you need to have the original filenames ?

The input sequence is a video, and my final application requires knowledge of the order of the frames in the video sequence.

Is there any way to extract this information? My application needs to know the original ordering of frames.

Hi Aleksander
Will take a look at how it could be solved…