Bundle out mesh not producing good result


I’ve been experimenting with Bundle.out from Agisoft because I am getting full camera allignments 933/933 cameras (can’t go back to take more photos). When I allign in RC I get 94 components with the best one only aligning 474 cameras. The model imports perfectly from agisoft with all 933 cameras and the point cloud. I then use normal detail but the end result is a set of patches with lower Tri count than in preview mode. E.g. 3.5m tris in preview vs 120k tris in normal. I haven’t changed any defaults. Any ideas why this would be happening? Cheers, Scott

Hi Scott Hocknull
Can you post some screenshots so that I can understand the issue better?


Hi Scott Hocknull

Load again the BUNDLE and use ALL settings from the screenshot for ALIGNMENT and then ALIGN it again.


I did this originally after opening bundle out from agisoft alignment and then using your settings (you can see the 80000 features being detected in the screenshot), then aligning again. I end up with 94 components. When I just try aligning without bundle I get fewer components but not as good alignment as I get in agisoft. Trying again now. When I try to colorise or texture preview model or normal model I get uniform colour for vertices and black texture map. I change no settings other than those you have sent. I’m going to try to duplicate the images and run alignment too because this has worked in previous projects.

I Re ran the alignment and now have 65 components but the same general issue.

Hi Scott Hocknull
And have you set EVERYTHING as in the screenshots ?
I was experimenting with the BUNDLE format and in most cases it works without any issue.
You can contact me at milos.lukac@capturingreality.com and I can take a look at your data and say what can be done with it…

you can also adjust the max feature reprojection error.

I had been lowering to get less photo’s miss aligned.

you will need to do some tests.

probably a lot depends on your source photos