I want to have a material, which looks like this (ignore the lights and lightning):
I have an height-, normal- and colormap. So this should be everything for nice normal or parallax mapping.
The material shader looks like this. Height ratio is 0.05
and the resultat is this
No depth!! What I’m doing wrong? Everyone do itin the same way. Here is my heightmap:
Hi -
It looks like you need to adjust your reference plane to 0 instead of 0.5. The reference plane adjusts what the shader uses as its zero point; so with 0.5 as the plane measurement, that means 1 (or white in your texture) is pushed forward by .5 and anything below 0.5 along the grey scale will be pushed in. From the image you are using as reference, it looks like using 0 and having the 1 pushed further out would get you closer to replicating the effect you are after.
You could also try the new POM Material Function developed by Ryan Brucks, you can read more about it here:
POM material - Rendering - Epic Developer Community Forums
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
Thank you very much!! The fault was the reference plane