Bullets Collide With Trigger Volume?

I have trigger volumes around my door for the player to interact with. Problem is projectiles from guns collide with the door and can’t pass through.

Think this has something to do with the collision presets? I tested by make bullet ignore “Vehicle” and setting the door collider object type a “Vehicle”. The bullet did pass through, but since the trigger volume isn’t a vehicle and I might have real vehicles later this isn’t a good solution…

So is there a way to make a custom object type, like “Projectile” to collide with? What is the proper way to go about this? I found another question that said using a ‘SetIgnoreActors’ node, but I don’t know where this is or if it’s relevant.

Basically bullets shouldn’t collide with the door trigger volumes or any trigger volumes in general. By the way here’s a screenshot of my setup in the blueprint components for bullet and door.

I noticed in this question somebody made an object type called projectile. How would you set this up? How to make my projectile not collide with anything - World Creation - Unreal Engine Forums

Found the place to add was in the Project Settings. Like in the screenshot. I made an object type for both the projectile and the trigger volume, so hopefully there will be no more issues with this.


If you set your trigger’s collision to “Overlap All” it will fix the issue. I had set mine to “Overlap Only Player”, but those settings actually tell the trigger to block certain objects. The other option is to simply tell the trigger to use a custom collision and check ignore for everything and then set Overlap on the Pawn checkbox.

If you want the bullets to be able to penetrate the door though, then a custom collision like you used is a good way to achieve this.