Built-in support for getting a cable component's end point in blueprints

When trying to dynamically set the end of a cable component, I need to use this weird hack http://pastie.org/pastes/9976539/text?key=tfnclsddvzenrsxysfr3mg that I found in this video [video]Unreal Engine 4 Attack on Titan Grappling System - Part 1/2 - YouTube so that I can dynamically attach a cable to different objects in my scene. It would be great if I could just get the variable for the end point location by dragging off a wire, like any other component’s property. I found this post https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/125973/setting-cable-end-location-in-blueprint.html from October of last year saying that the feature didn’t exist, and there was no response about it being on the roadmap.