Hi everyone, I was wondering if I am the cause of this issue or if someone has been confronted to it.
I use the bult-in plugin “Sun Position” for the lighting of my project. I dropped the SunSky blueprint into my scene and everything was working. But as soon as I reference that blueprint from something that inherits a C++ class, my whole project breaks.
The SunSky blueprint (whichbelongs to UE) does not compile anymore and my project can’t be compiled either due to errors… which makes me think that since this plugin is built-in, it does not get initialized at the same time as the rest or so. Anyway, has anyone noticed that? Is there a work around? Am I supposed to do something specific when using built-inplugins?
And this can’t really come from the C++ as I simply created an AActor and created a blueprint from it that calls “Get Actor of Class SunSky_BP”. There is nothing else.
I do not have the issue when I call “Get Actor of Class SunSky_BP” from a blueprint dirextly created in editor. The problem comes when trying to link it to the C++.