Built from Source, modified save directory, still can't save on Android 11


I’ve spent all week reading up on various topics on this, however I still cannot get this to work:

Unreal 5
Android 11

Problem: Savegames aren’t being created.

I’ve already gone ahead and created a source build of the engine. I’ve edited the savegamesystem.h to add the following code:

This needs to be added to the libraries on top of the class.
#include "Misc/App.h"

And this is how I solved the SaveGame implementation.

virtual FString GetSaveGamePath(const TCHAR* Name)
        // ProjectSettings->Platforms->Android->APKPackaging->AndroidPackageName()
        FString BundleID = FString(FPlatformProcess::GetGameBundleId()); 

        // ProjectSettings->Description->ProjectName()
        FString AppName = FString(FApp::GetProjectName());  
        return FString::Printf(TEXT("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/%s/files/UE4Game/%s/%s/Saved/SaveGames/%s.sav"), *BundleID, *AppName, *AppName, Name);    
        return FString::Printf(TEXT("%sSaveGames/%s.sav"), *FPaths::ProjectSavedDir(), Name);

I’ve packaged the game as astc, for distribution, I’ve requested read and write external. The app requests file permissions on open the first time. I’ve verified the app has file and media permissions. Using quickedit to browse the save game directory shows nothing being created in that directory when it should be.

The save game feature is working fine on the desktop, so it isn’t a code issue. Can anyone suggest anything else I can check that would be blocking the game from being saved properly?