I have been trying to figure this out for the last two days. To summarize, I am working on a project with 3 other people for an university assignment, we have been using version control without any issues, but suddenly now, after a teammate pushed a new type of enemy for our game, which had no changes to the project settings or any back-ends—the game even runs in the editor perfectly, and we get no console errors or warnings—after packaging our project with any build configuration, when we open the executable, all we get is a black screen and the process can only be closed through the task manager. To make the situation more interesting, when the Unreal Editor is opened in the background, and we open the shipping build executable, the build runs fine, even though the packaging folder is completely separate from the project folder, heck, it’s even in a separate drive partition in my PC.
Here is the crash log from the development build:
ParasiteGame.log (31.3 KB)