Building was disabled on accident and I cant re-enable it.

My brother accidentally did something to my box fight map and i cant building during game, or when I am editing it. I have allow building turned to on and it still wont work. Please help, thanks.

This could be because of a device on your island having the building turned to off. Devices override island settings, so that’s why. I would recommend checking every device on your island. I know that devices like, the mutator zone, class designer and team settings device all feature a build option. I’m not sure about other devices tho

I have checked all of my team settings and inventory options and building was allowed, I am so lost on what to do lol. I can show screenshots if needed.

Yeah a screenshot may be good

Are you using Class Designers ?
They have build settings too.

if not

Has the Default Class in Island Settings accidently been turned on ?
That could possibly set player to a class that doesn’t exist and hence use class defaults ??

i canteven build in the island editor. Let me know what settings you want to see and i can add them.

i even tried resetting the island settings but it did nothing.

this is the island settings i load into game with every time.


this is a bump someone please help

Can you confirm the Default Class Identifier is set to No Class in Island Settings

Because there is a limit to the amount of player builds that can be built, another possibility if its your brother and he’s pranking you is he has made and saved enough builds somewhere off in the distance so you’ve hit the build limit and can’t build anymore.

yes it is on no

I have fixed the issue. The grid plane was deleted and apparentely you can build on plain floors you need the grid plane.

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