Building UE4 static library (.lib)

Is there anyway to make a project, and then build that project into a static library, instead of a executable (.exe)? Is there some sort of build option I can use through the .target.cs file that will allow this? Has anyone tried this or know anything that can point me in the right direction? I’ve checked out,, but this is only a last resort.

What are you trying to do? I don’t think you can build UE4 to static library, but maybe you can do that with UE4 appication (UE4 let you make programs using it core module without engine module, check UnrealHeaderTool source for example)

I am trying to make code with UObjects, Gameplay, Editor, etc, that can be shared with multiple projects. I’ve used the plugin system, but when it’s time for release I want the project to build as monolithic. Maybe this is possible already with the plugin system? I could do gameplay modules but that would require a copy for each project (updating would then be tedious for multiple projects). Maybe I’m not understanding everything correctly, which is why my only thought to get a monolithic build with shared code would be to use a static library.

Did you tried using monoliphic plugin build, i think it should build, if not it’s a bug (or rether lack of feature)? Alternativly you could also try adding module to engine source directory