Building the formrely VS2019 project in VS2022 takes gazillion seconds now

By accident I opened my VS2019 project in VS2022, so now I can’t go back. The project is fine but the Building process than now takes a lot more time than it used to be (from less than 10s up to 40+s). Now when I build the project my CPU works 40% max at the very beginning, for the most time it’s ~10% or less, when changing the code even in the most trivial way like assigning 1 to a variable instead of 2 it takes almost the same amount to build that the usual building takes.
Changing the data BuildConfiguration.xml doesn’t do much for me (perhaps I just have no clue what I should enable/disable etc.), bUseIncrementalLinking did cut some compilation time (and when I build the project that wasn’t changed since the last compilation the IDE no longer forces new full build); ProcessPriority, MaxProcessorCount and other parallelExectutor properties have 0 affect. Precompiled headers don’t work it seems.
The overall process of waiting for the compilation became a big pain in the ■■■. No proper documentation on such simple things like literally cranking up CPU involment in the building process so it actually WORKS the way I expect it to work. Such simple and integral to the development process things are literally a torture to figure out.
Anyone halp?

up: Sometimes it takes around 20-24 seconds for small changes with ‘MinFilesUsingPrecompiledHeader’ = 1 and bUseIncrementalLinking’= true but still it’s A LOT, and very inconsistent

Maybe try this?

Doesn’t help. In Tool → Options → Projects and Solutions → VC++ Project Settings → Changing the Maximum concurrent C++ compilations number does nothing. Other options from VS are effectively hidden from me because the Engine handles them in it’s own way, and the changes in BuildingConfiguration files do very little, plus I assume some parameters are tied together and should be changed in respect to each other. I tried making a new project with the same modules includes and it’s a tad better but not as much, -+4-5 seconds of build time. Then opened the same project with VS2019 and it’s basically instant compilation when I make changes in one cpp/h. I guess it’s just the default setup for UE5.1 in pair VS2022 is a piece of ■■■■ compared to the old ones. At this point I just stick to the older versions of both applications for everything, if it works then it works. I am tired of dancing around the new stuff that supposed to work in a predictable way but doesn’t, especially when I have no deep knowledge of how they do stuff like their compilation process in depth.
Tho I have to say Intellisence is pretty much instant in VS2022 compared to 2019 where it takes infinity to parse headers