Building pcg tasks on every change

version 5.2.
When I’m editing a PCG, each time I make a change (add a node, change properties, disable/enable a node), the tasks are being rebuild. Sometimes it is just a few tasks, and it doesn’t take long, sometimes there are many and it will take quite some time. In the time the tasks are build, the editor is frozen. Is there a way to control these activities so I can decide WHEN to build the tasks?

Make an EditorUtilityWidget that goes through your world and all the PCG components and unticks the Activated checkbox. Then when you are ready to regen everything again, just make a tool that sets the checkbox to true and force regen.

Additional information: This preparation process happens when you have a level open that contains this PCG, or even another one (which you don’t edit). When working on a separate level that doesn’t contain this PCG, it’s OK. It can also depend on the scale of the PCG but could not check this

I’m jus a beginner…I’ve seen how I can create such a widget but have no idea what I should edit into it.

Found it: Button “Pause Regen” in PCG Editor

However, works only when in PCG editor. If I make changes in the normal editor viewport (on a spline that is referenced in PCG graph) any change to that graph will still trigger preparation task.

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Have the same problem, any solutions yet?