Building Optical Systems and Simulating Light Propagation

Hello, I was looking through the Unreal Engine documentation and tutorials trying to find answers to my questions, but I couldn’t find any, hence I’m posting a question here.

I was wondering what the Unreal Engine’s capabilities to do optical simulations are. I see it is amazing at creating physical simulations of objects, illuminating environments and just creating very realistic scenery, but I haven’t found any examples of what I was looking for.

I intend to make/develop a game/software/app that simulates light propagation and image formation through an optical system. That includes coupling lenses, diaphragms, mirrors, prisms, etc. I have seen that Unreal Engine does simulate the refraction of light through materials, but I suppose it’s only for aesthetic purposes.

Is there any way of creating models of lenses and other optical elements, placing an object or a light source and either simulate the paths that the light follows through the system and/or create the image of the object through the system?

What I have in mind is making a game where the user places different objects and is able to change their characteristics like index of refraction, focal length, reflectance, transmitance and see how that affects the way that light behaves. Something like the Ray Optics Simulation on this website:


Either that or creating different models of optical and optometrical instruments (like Ophtalmoscopes, Retinoscopes, Telescopes, Microscopes, Lamps, Cameras, etc.) and using them to illuminate or create images of objetcs and also show how they are designed and explain their details. I study Optics and Optometry in Spain and I would love to be able to put to practice what I learn and also create tools for other students or curious people in general. I believe that being able to show diagrams like these in 3D with the amazing features that Unreal Engine has would be amazing:


Thank you in advance for your answers! I hope I can accomplish what I’m looking for and to get some guidance as to what particular things I should learn to do in the Unreal Engine.

Did you get any insights on this?