Building iOS on Windows - conflicting information

Hello, I am trying to do some prototypes on an iPad (blueprint-only), but I am running into some issues when trying to deploy them to the device.

According to the Provisioning Profiles and Signing Certificates page, on the Appendix B it says:

Blueprint-only iOS projects do not need to go through the Signing and Provisioning process to package builds or push them to devices for testing – you can package them directly out of the box.

But on the Building for iOS on Windows page it says:

… you can use your Windows machine to create your iOS build directly, provided that you have set up your iOS developer certificate and provision profile in the editor.

Ultimately, I keep getting errors of either not having the certificates or not being able to connect to a remote server. Even the base Handheld AR template project does not work (in both 4.27.2 and 5.0.3), so it has to be on the requirements side. I am aware of the restrictions of making builds, but for the time being I just need to prototype, so being able to launch from Windows would be a big advantage.

Any idea if I am doing something wrong or having the certificates is a must, even for testing? (In that case, please update that page)

I’m pretty sure about this… If you want to run your project on an iOS device then you are going to need a proper developer certificate and provision. It is a pain. But on the plus side after doing it 8-10 times you get comfortable with the process.

Also, you can’t build for iOS without a Mac computer. You can dev on a Windows machine and then use the remote build feature to “remotely build on a Mac”. But you will need a that remote Mac to build on.
