Hello, I am trying to do some prototypes on an iPad (blueprint-only), but I am running into some issues when trying to deploy them to the device.
According to the Provisioning Profiles and Signing Certificates page, on the Appendix B it says:
Blueprint-only iOS projects do not need to go through the Signing and Provisioning process to package builds or push them to devices for testing – you can package them directly out of the box.
But on the Building for iOS on Windows page it says:
… you can use your Windows machine to create your iOS build directly, provided that you have set up your iOS developer certificate and provision profile in the editor.
Ultimately, I keep getting errors of either not having the certificates or not being able to connect to a remote server. Even the base Handheld AR template project does not work (in both 4.27.2 and 5.0.3), so it has to be on the requirements side. I am aware of the restrictions of making builds, but for the time being I just need to prototype, so being able to launch from Windows would be a big advantage.
Any idea if I am doing something wrong or having the certificates is a must, even for testing? (In that case, please update that page)