Building iOS App using Unreal Frontend, chooses Dev profile for shipping configuration

When you use Unreal Frontend to do an iOS build, it seems to always choose the Dev provisioning profile that matches the application certificate, even if you try to use it to build a “Shipping” version of your app.

Hey ,

If you’d like to remove a provision or a certificate in order to use a specific one, please follow these instructions:

Remove Certificate on Windows

  • Open Certificate Manager by clicking the Start button, typing certmgr.msc into the Search box, and then pressing ENTER.‌
  • Select Personal > Certificates
  • Delete any "iPhone Developer:* " certificates

Remove Mobile Provisions on Windows

  • Go to C:\Users\first.last\AppData\Local\Apple Computer\MobileDevice\Provisioning Profiles
  • Delete all .mobileprovision files

Remove Certificate on Mac

  • Open Keychain Access
  • My Certificates
  • Delete any "IPhone Developer:* " certificates

Remove Mobile Provisions on Mac

  • Go to ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
  • Delete all .mobileprovision


We actually already have to do this rather tedious process. We’re a contract shop, so I have literally dozens of provisioning profile. Even doing this, distribution builds we try and do using UFE fail because it seems to not pass the -distribution flag no matter what I set. Is there a setting in UFE that will force it to use the -distribution flag? Without that, it grabs a dev profile, and we can’t upload to iTunes Connect or distribute using ad hoc certificates when that happens.

We’re working around now by using UAT from the command line.

We are working on an easier method to manually select and switch your provisions and certificates. Since you’re working through a tedious process already, it may be best to continue using UAT from the command line.