Windows 7, i7 with 16 gigs. Using Emscripten 1.21. Compiled 4.4.1. The compile is OK and the html5 button does show up.
Here is some of the error that I am getting
UnrealBuildTool: INFO root: (Emscripten: Running sanity checks)
UnrealBuildTool: ERROR root: J:\UDK441Compiled\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\PhysX\PhysX-3.3\lib\HTML5\LowLevel.bc: No such file or directory (“J:\UDK441Compiled\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\PhysX\PhysX-3.3\lib\HTML5\LowLevel.bc” was expected to be an input file, based on the commandline arguments provided)
UnrealBuildTool: -------- End Detailed Actions Stats -----------------------------------------------------------
UnrealBuildTool: ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: J:\UDK441Compiled\UnrealEngine\Engine\Binaries\HTML5\UE4Game-HTML5-Shipping.js
The Game Launcher stops after "Build game for Html5.
I have set all the environmental variables(LLVM_ROOT, NODE_JS, etc. before doing the compile.
If you want to see more of the error statement let me know.
Too bad your html does not work as easy as Unity. I am using Unity to do all my html games.
Please, some help would be nice.
I haven’t paid my rent for this month. Is that the problem?
I think you are missing optional third party zips
The zips I used were for 4.4. I did not see any Optional zip. Does the have the html5 files in it? Do I need to get the 2 other zips for 4.4.2.
Ankitkk. Thanks. I am really getting close now. It generated the html file. And Frontend all was good. But when load it into Chrome 39 I get a gray screen then the “Aw,Snap!”. Now what?
We are in touch with the Chrome team - hopefully there will be some resolution soon.
Meawhile, you can use firefox to confirm that your game works!
Just tried Firefox 64bit. Says loading. Then the screen goes black. I click Quit at the bottom of the screen and get
\RenderResource.cpp(118): LowLevelFatalError
Running from hardrive
Do you see anything wrong with this?
Do I need to setup a local server?
Can you use this specific build of firefox ? Also, Can you paste any out from the browser console ( Developer->Browser Console ) Makre sure there’s no other firefox running before running this.
[07:59:36.988] SyntaxError: too many local variables
Using Firefox 32bit. And Das stärkste Werkzeug für 3D-Echtzeit-Entwicklung - Unreal Engine the download bar has been running 15 minutes TC does not start. js console
Had to use 2 comments.
I now have a compiled version(4.4.1) of the editor that does make an html5 file from an app and it loads. The problem wasn’t what I did creating the editor. It was the browser. Use 32.0.3 firefox 32bit and all is good. Tappy Chicken works great. I did the FPS and run very slow.