Building for OSX: Problem with

Building 4.0.2 for OSX 10.9.2, I get the following error:

/Volumes/Titan/Developer/UnrealEngine/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Mac/ UE4Editor macosx Debug

Building UE4Editor...
Compiling with Mac SDK 10.8
Building UnrealHeaderTool...
Compiling with Mac SDK 10.8
Target is up to date.
Parsing headers for UE4Editor
Code generation finished for UE4Editor and took 3.782
ERROR: Couldn't touch header directories: Sharing violation on path /Volumes/Titan/Developer/UnrealEngine/Engine/Intermediate/Build/Mac/Inc/InputCore/Timestamp
Command /Volumes/Titan/Developer/UnrealEngine/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Mac/ failed with exit code 1

I’ve downloaded and extracted the 2 required zip files + into my UnrealEngine directory.

Edit: Looks like my XCode is trying to build with osx sdk 10.8. Not sure why that’s happening. Will report back when I manage to switch it to 10.9. If anyone knows how to switch out the osx sdk, please let me know. It’s not obvious how to select the sdk to use for the build.

Hey tkchen -

I’ve downloaded and extracted the 2
required zip files + into
my UnrealEngine directory.

I see you pulled down the these, how did you pull down the Source files? From GitHub site or through a Git Client?

Nick Bullard | EngineQA

Used git client. I forked the source into my repository then cloned to desktop. It was cloned to a drive that is not my boot disk. My git username is uclatommy.

Problem was resolved by:

  1. Copy the whole UnrealEngine directory to my boot disk
  2. Delete the project file
  3. Rerun GenerateProjectFiles.command
  4. Open new project file and compile as normal

I’m glad you were able to get this up and running :slight_smile:

Nick Bullard | EngineQA