"Building for iOS on Windows" is outdated, instructions cannot be followed


Building for iOS on Windows
How to remotely compile on a Mac from a Windows machine to create an iOS build.

This workflow using Apple Server does not work in recent and current versions.
Apple’s Server app has no option for XCode, because this function is now integrated into XCode.
Unreal developers following this documentation might unnecessarily purchase the Server app and get stuck with instructions that don’t work anymore.

This process is a very often reoccurring issue for user on forums and discord so an updated instruction would be highly appreciated.


Hey CosmicLobster! Thanks for reaching out to us. We work hard to keep our articles updated, but understandably we get to some sooner than others. I’ve created a ticket so that we can hopefully prioritize getting this page updated sooner. Thanks again for your feedback!

Hey CosmicLobster! Combing through some old tickets, and I just wanted to let you know we’ve addressed this feedback. Thanks again and let us know if you have any other feedback.