When building UE5 from source I get this error.
It seems as the plugin CADLibrary isn’t building properly.
There is this menthod HashCombine that fails because it is not given the correct number of arguments. So of course I would like to know how to fix this, but I would also like to know how I could go by disabling Plugins in the build process. I’m pretty confident that I don’t need the CADLibrary.
How I built the engine:
- Clone git repo, branch UE5-main
- Inside repo dir I run Setup.bat, then GenerateProjectFiles.bat
- Inside Visual Studio 2019 I change configuration to ‘Development Editor’ and ‘Win64’ architechture.
- Right click UE5 project and select build.
- About 1.5 hours in the build fails.
EDIT: I looked over my Visual Studio settings and found I didn’t have the Unreal Engine build installed. So I followed this guide to be sure I didn’t miss anything Setting Up Visual Studio for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine Documentation
Appreciate any help I can get!