Building a Wall Border?

I tried using Blender 2.8 to try and build a Wall Border but no luck and there are no tutorials anywhere to be found on the web. I came here looking to see if anyone know a Wall Border can be built in UE4 by Geometry Shapes or by any other means. I need some help or guide on this. I even posted a picture to help understand what I mean by Wall Border exactly

in the US we call that base board for the piece against the wall. the round piece we call quarter round.

Skirting board ( well, the English name anyway… ).

I don’t know much about Blender, but I know enough to know that this is MUCH easier in blender than UE.

Try asking on the blender forums:

It looks like a simple shape. You’d generally draw a spline and extrude it. All 3d modelling apps support operations like this.

Not a Blender person but that’s pretty much the technique:

You should be able to just make this in blender without a tutorial… Look at the shape of it, recreated it as a plane, extrude it to the length of the wall and you are done. In general you would want to make this a part of your wall mesh as well for when you export it to Unreal.

Unreal is not a modeling tool, any type of modeling you do should in 9/10 cases be done in Blender/Maya/3dsMax etc.

this was my thoughts on the issue as well.

a few things i would add:

  • you could have this mesh separate in the case of arch-vis, for example you may want to be able to quickly change just the baseboard for visual purposes.
  • i agree unreal is not a modeling tool but the geometry tools in unreal can be useful for rough block-out of levels and general level design (not the question here i know but just figured id mention).

I tried this method but when I drew my Baseboard, it was over and under the grid not flat on the grid like in the video and it would not let me connect the final two dots together.

I tried the method of using a plane and extruding it but after I got done drawing my Baseboard, it was over and under my grid and being all over the place and when I try to connect the final two dots together it would not do so.

it sounds like your really new to modeling, am i right in this assumption?

it was over and under my grid and being all over the place

guessing you are are drawing in the x and y but your verts are not on the same Z. thats a pretty easy fix, select all your vertices then scale them to 0 on the Z. in 2.79 it would be something like select the verts then press s, then z, then 0, then enter. i haven’t used 2.8 much so it may be a bit different.

to connect the final two dots together it would not

a bit vague but know that blender will not merge vertices unless you tell it to. again in the 2.79 version it was pretty simple to do. select one vertex then select the other, next hit W i believe to bring up a menu, and click merge at last in the menu.

ill try to open up 2.8 to see how its done there.

I just downloaded the 2.79 version and its why I tried it on but yes im new to Blender and 3D Modeling in general I have more experience with UE4 and wanted to pick up the 3D Modeling skills. Also in one of the video links. After the last point, the guy says to right click on the points you wish to connect and press Alt F to Fill but it never clicks nor does it even Fill in for me.

What do you think about the method of using a Bezier curve and to switch it to a Poly Spine then drawing my Baseboard like that and converting it to a mesh? or would the Plain and Extruding it be the better option?

i just checked 2.8 and its similar to what i mentioned. scaling is the same select → S → z-> 0. merging is select verts → right click or alt M ->then select where to merge.

using bezier is totally a option. ive done a bit of modeling but haven’t worked too much with the curves so i can’t really help with how to accomplish via that method.

i was like you once i learned unreal then decided to try modeling and creating my own meshes. learn a bit then build on it, thats a good way to go imo.

I am currently working on my own solo video game project and im trying to put in alot of detail hence why im looking into baseboards but if you know plains and extruding them then I could go that route and see if I get any problems you could possibly help with

the extrusion method is probably just the simplest it may take a little work to be more detailed (rounded objects). the basics though you will learn through any modeling tutorial.

for learning modeling and blender specifically theres many people to recommend but to start id say blender guru and grant abbitt would be good choices.

Question, would you possibly know how to connect this drawing so I could fill it? Right Click on em doesnt seem to be working.

you just need to have at least 3 verts selected then press F for face. right click menu wasnt a thing in 2.79, in that version right click was selection.

if you need to merge verts then select them then press W → merge → at last. for multiple selection you can shift select, use b to box select, or c for circle selection.

creating a face is super basic so i dont really know of a better way to explain it.

No worries I understand it and I got it working, Its hard following old tutorials which dont do much when it comes to controls ya know but I greatly appreciate it