Hi all,
I have a problem that I desperately need to fix. I’m building an environment that will allow users to walk by double-clicking on the floor. I added Navmesh and Recast Mesh are on the same main level (I use Persistent Levels).
When I test in the editor it works great! but when I package the game it doesn’t work at all.
Debug in-game menu ( pressed ') shows this message:
Num dirty areas: 0
Supported agents: Default ( I added a supported agent in the Project Settings and set size to 3)
Navigation Data: RecastNavMesh-Default (too far from navmesh)
[Shift+Substract]: Display around Debug Actor
One last thing, when I launch the game in the Editor from the Persistent Level point click walk doesn’t work as well, so maybe it has something to do with that.
In the level both NavMesh and RecastNavMesh are in the exactly same position, and I reduced cell size as well. I’m not sure what else to do here!