I’m a relative novice to using Blueprints, as I’m mostly using them for Audio related purposes, but I have been trying to figure this one out. I have experience in C++ and C# so I’ve managed to spawn colliders, and boxes and things around splines so far pretty easy in Blueprint.
The issue I’m trying to solve though is taking an abstract shape, say a winding river. I want to build a spline loop around it, then have the blueprint build a mesh around it to use as collision overlap for audio purposes. Just making colliders around it works… but then you can’t check if the player falls into the zone from above for instance. Or there could be a dead-zone in the center of it. So I’ve been trying to get some sort of collision surface above the spline that I make.
As it’s a spline loop I can make arrays and stuff of vertices, and it’s easy enough to set the height of a shape… Is there some function to just like make a box from that? I’ve done a lot of digging and found a million types of meshes, what with Dynamic, Procedural, and experimental Geometry Sculpting, but I don’t think they would work?
This might be a bit complicated, but any help would be appreciated, been rapping my head against this for a few days going through iterations.