Build with udk has stopped working....again

Its a well known problem that is haunting me again (have been ignoring it for a long time and want to fix this once and for all).
So windows 10.

If I install a cooked packaged game in C> My UDK Game everything works just fine.
BUT…If I install a cooked packaged game in C> x86> My UDK Game or C>program files> My UDK Game

The game doesn’t start, or I get the ‘‘Build with udk has stopped working’’ message , or in some rare occasions It may go to the menu and after i load the level, it will crash with the Build with udk has stopped working message again.

I don’t get logs generated, but what I do get most of the time is this

So the reason Im not getting a log or a game start is because the windows defender firewall is blocking udk features?? Correct? If i decide to run again the game when in c>x86 or C >program files but with ‘‘run as administrator’’ the game actually works fine…

So is the problem admin rights? Can we get the udk exe to have nave native admin rights by default?( im not talking right clicking on the exe icon and run as administrator).
Its going to be really unprofessional, when one day i hopefully reach steam, to have my first post be:
‘‘Please run your game as administrator or make firewall exception or install in C > my udk game and not in x86 and program files’’

Maybe im missing something else and is not completely the firewall?

Additionally I think one of the culprits in situations like that can be the default engine if not filled correctly, but in my case, i think is correct.
TransitionMap=EnvyEntry.udk >>>>>>I doubt there is a need to insert 1_DARK_MENU.udk here also.

Not sure if the firewall is freaking out or detecting that my game can write down. bin saves from this kismet code…ve-load-kismet

But that should not be a reason.

Cheers guys :smiley:

Are you having that problem? I never seen this before…

I’m afraid I don’t have any ideas. Have you tried installing a default copy of UDK, packaging the example UT game and seeing if that causes the same problem?

I hope this can make it more clear.Its a small video of me installing the game in C>x86> My UDK Game and showing that it doesn’t run and doesn’t generate a log folder.But if the game is started with admin rights it works.

After that I install the game in C > My UDK Game and it triggers the firewall , but still works even if I accept or not the firewall permissions.But i have to accept the firewall permissions:
(if I don’t accept the firewall permissions, the game doesn’t create saves…oh boy)

So the ‘’**Build with udk has stopped working’’ **I get while the game is in C > x86> My UDK Game is because windows firewall?


I see something about administrator rights and firewall on the second post here :

Have someone experienced this?

I will bump this once as Ive found some more info.I did a few more tests and installing in my case a 64 bit game in:

C > My UDK Game the game plays

C >x86 > My UDK Game the game doesn’t play ‘‘Build with udk has stopped’’ pops up( unless I start the game at least once with Runs as administrator and from there it picks up fine

C >program files > My UDK Game same as above

Now here is something interesting.I don’t have a steam developer account but i do have a normal one as I have a few steam games on the pc.I decided to install the game in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\My UDK Game

And it works just fine.Does the steam folder has some privileges or something? It doesn’t make sense compared to installing in C >x86 > My UDK Game

I also found this topic:

From what I understand, the culprit is the UnSetup not finding the path to the registry and is actively asking for admin rights in order to let the UDK exe game run.In the thread people mention 2 solutions.Replace the UnSetup with one from a older udk build, but it didn’t worked for me.(i tried one from 2009,2012 and 2013 but cant try them all)

The other thing marked as solution is to make a blank exe and rename it to UnSetup and replace.I kind of failed on that one.I actually made a empty txt which I saved as .bat and converted to exe but didn’t worked.

I later installed the free visual studio 2017 (never used it before)and did:
-create new project
-windows forms app(.net framework)
-named it UnSetup and selected framework 3
-hit the Start debugging button

and it created a exe.Now I kind of suspect this was not a good way to create a blank exe …also it didn’t worked when i replaced the original

Can anyone tell point me on how to make the blank exe based on the solution so that i can know if it works or not?
Also, is it possible to just cook and package a game with front end without the UnSetup being attached and asking stuff ? I think the UnSetup was made for the udk editor and not a final game, right?

Other tips and tricks are welcomed also.:smiley:

First I would check the Logs to see if there’s anything interesting there.

To deal with Unsetup problems, I think you’re supposed to use UnEulaLite.exe? That file emulates unsetup.exe and can be used to force an EULA acceptance with one click.
If there’s a more modern solution to that, someone should let me know, since UnEulaLite looks pretty dodgy for an end user.

Link to the exe I’m talking about: UnEulaLite.exe - Google Drive

Thank you mate :D.Can you please tell me what is the correct way to use it? I placed the UnEulaLite in the Binaries folder but im not sure if i need to rename it to UnSetup or just use the Unaccept EULA button.

I placed it in the Binaries folder>started the UnEulaLite as administrator> Unacept EULA (to remove it> and than Accept EULA .But the effect remains the same.
I dont get logs by the way as seen in the video above.

Something interesting happened now.A week ago Nidal told me that he cooks and packages the game in frontend as everyone, but after that he uses 7zip to extract the files from the packaged game instead of installing it.Decided to try this now>extracted with 7zip from the game install package 3 folders( binaries, engine and UDKGame)> placed them in a folder My udk game and manually moved that to C>X86>My udk game and it now works without the UnSetup doing stupid things :confused::confused::confused: (only firewall jumps but doesn’t interfere)

So when the time comes to upload a game to steam, is this a better way?> (7zip extracting the game and placing those 3 folders in the STEAMWORKS folder) and not actually installing the game on the pc and than moving those files to the STEAMWORKS folder?

Weird, it should go to the same folder as unsetup.exe and clicking Accept EULA should work. Unless maybe you’re missing that installinfo.xml file?
Like in here…ses#post187956

Interesting, wondering why this works.

to upload to steam you won’t package your game, you’ll just cook it and upload the cooked data to steam.
when you cook, the relevant files are already in your cooked folder. the packaging just makes a nice exe for you and includes the redist. so making a package to then unpack it is very reduntant :smiley:

Thank you :smiley:

I think i know why it works.Looks like epic did something stupid with the UnSetup and UnSetup.Manifests starting udk 2013.(checked it with 2013-02 05 and 07 ) and 2014-08
I installed udk UDK-2012-11-BETA2 and cooked/packed one of the maps that comes with it and there were no problems.Decided to check and yes, the UnSetup and UnSetup.Manifests in that version are quite different than the 2013 and up.You cant just copy and paste them as it wont work well.In fact, udk UDK-2012-11-BETA2 cooks and packages the 32bit and 64bit together while the 2013 ones only the 32 bit(have to manually add the 64 bit to a final game or state it in the manifest to cook in 64bit.

Anyway, there is something strange with the UnSetup and its manifest starting 2013 builds that also plagues the installer.What exactly happens is that if you cook and build in 2013 and than install, during the installation the installer will auto create a InstallInfo which can not connect and register on the pc>forcing you to start the game in administrator mode at least once so that the UnSetup can find the directory by force.

But instead of installing the game, you just use 7zip to extract the game from the installer, it will NOT create a InstallInfo and when you start the game, it will automatically register as it should.Firewall popup, but not blocking the game functionality.

Yeah, i can install the game with the installer>remove the InstallInfo and start the game and it will ask me to accept the eula again and it will create a InstallInfo automatically, but it will still not work unless you start as admin at least once.So the installer itself is also doing something stupid.

Looks like the best way to pass this(for 2013 builds and up) is to use 7zip to extract the game from the installer and not actually installing the game.So that should be the solution.(cudos to Nidal for pointing me the 7zip option)

I don’t think there is anything more to be done with this.I am working in 2013-07 as it has the memory leak issue fixed, so the 7zip should be enough solution and no need to port to older udk I think? (fingers crossed though)