Build UE5 Editor without Ray tracing/AllowCPUDevices

I’m looking to do some rendering on headless GPUless servers. I’ve built mesa drivers for Vulkan (vulkan swrast). While I get past the missing vulkan device errors I get a new error regarding missing ray tracing feature.

Is there anyway to disable the editor from searching for it? Or building with it? My particular project doesn’t even use it.

I start the project with:

`./UnrealEditor “uproject here” -AllowCPUDevices

Slightly related. Why does Unreal have “AllowCPUDevices” flag if there is no CPU vulkan or D3D implementations that support ray tracing.

Could this be a bug & Unreal needs to add some logic to their code to disable ray tracing when this flag is used? Or more likely just an old flag?