I want to create a building system similar to the one in Fortnite where if at least one “Build part” is touching the ground the entire building will not fall apart.
My problem is that I don’t know how to check if at least one of the “Build Parts” that are near to others is touching the ground.
I made a collision box that can set if that actor spawned is touching the ground and set a Boolean for that actor so at least I can know if an actor is touching the ground then with this collision box I can also get the other near build parts.
The problem is when I need to check for like 3-4 actor only the first one after the actor connected to the ground can effectively detect that there is an actor that is touching the ground, so I need some kinda of loop that can search if the next actor is connected to the ground and if not continue to search the next until it find it and if not it will destroy the actor.
I hope someone can help me with that I’m trying with Arrays Map etc… but without good results
Every idea and suggestion will be really appreciated thanks.
Hey @Djblackgame!
Fortnight uses a grid system to handle ground placement. Check out this non-Epic affiliated tutorial series on recreating the system for more information and inspiration for setting up your system:
I hope the above is the solution you need!
@Quetzalcodename thanks, my system is pretty already finished the only thing that I can’t achieve how to check if all parts are connected to the ground so that if you destroy the components of the building that are touching the ground the rest of the components will fall down and I didn’t see this in the tutorial series you send but thanks so much anyway.