Build Patch Tool Doesnt work

I am trying to upload the game to the epic site but , the build patch tool doesn’t lunch at all , with my perfect timing i managed to take a screen shot with error code 3 witch i dodnt know what code is cause the site has only the common and not the full list of errors that you may encounter. The tool crashes immediately by clicking on it… Any ideas what may be the problem with this ?

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Same here. “No supported mode detected” on the begin, then “Tool exited with: 3” on the end.
You can see full details without crashing openning by the prompt instead of double clicking.

This error are not listed at documentation



I thought the commands were written individually, but the arguments need to be written all on the same command line.

For anyone having the same problem:
Find the BuildPatchTool directory using the command “cd C:.…YOURDIRECTORY…\Engine\Binaries\Win64”
If you just type “BuildPatchTool.exe” the program will open and close with error 3. Instead, type “BuildPatchTool.exe -mode"UploadBuild” -ClientID=“YOURCLIENTID”" etc… The other necessary parameters are described in the documentation .


Hi, I’m honestly very glad to have this problem behind me but for those still facing this problem I would like to help. Before I explain how to go through this process I would like to introduce myself. I’m Daniel, the founder of the Galactic Games development team. Here is our Instagram and YouTube I would love it if you would support us:

If you get error 3 when you run BuildPatchTool follow the instructions:

  1. BuildPatchTool must not be run directly but through another program such as cmd or powershell but even if the program is run through the command line it will still throw error 3.
  2. Open the command prompt.
  3. While in the command prompt, you must move to the folder where BuildPatchTool.exe is located.
  4. To move it, use the command: cd DIRECTORY LOCATION (for example: C:\Users\GalacticGames\Downloads\BuildPatchTool_1.5.1\Engine\Binaries\Win64)
  5. Once in the folder where BuildPatchTool.exe is located, enter this long command. But you must fill it with your information.

Here is the command:
BuildPatchTool. exe -OrganizationId=“<YourOrg” -ProductId=“<YourProduct” -ArtifactId=“<YourArtifact” -ClientId=“<YourClientId” -ClientSecret=“<YourSecret” -mode=UploadBinary - BuildRoot=“<LocationOfLocalBuild” -CloudDir=“<YourCloudDir” -BuildVersion=“<YourBuildVersion” -AppLaunch=“<AppToRun” -AppArgs=“<LaunchArguments”

Fill in everything by deleting the text and sharp brackets but leaving the quotes. Here is an example: appLaunch=“GalacticGames.exe”

  1. OrganizationId=“Enter the organization id here, which you can find on dev.epicgames in your organization settings”
  2. ProductId=“Enter your product id here, which you can find on in the Epic Games Store section on the top right when you expand your product”
  3. ArtifactId=“Enter your artifact id here. You can find it in Artifacts and Binaries”
  4. ClientId=“Enter the BPT client id here. This will be found in the product settings on the bottom left under BPT Credentials/ Build Patch Tool Credentials”
  5. ClientSecret=“Enter the id of the secret client here. It will find this in the product settings on the bottom left in BPT Credentials/ Build Patch Tool Credentials”"
  6. BuildRoot=“Enter here the path to the folder where your Build (your finished game) is located”
  7. CloudDir=“Enter the sectu to our cloud here. If you don’t have a cloud don’t fill in or delete anything. The Cloud folder will be created automatically next to BuildPatchTool.exe”
  8. BuildVersion="Enter the version of your game here. For example 1.0 it doesn’t matter but the version must not be repeated. "
  9. AppLaunch=“Here you enter the name of the file that should be run to launch your game. Ex: GalacticGames.exe”
  10. AppArgs=“Enter the arguments for the launch here or do not fill in the field it is not needed”

Unfortunately, you’ll have to enter this every time you want to upload something to Epic. If you haven’t typed any fields make sure that after the default text there is this bracket: > (I didn’t type it in because it didn’t show up after publishing).

I hope I helped you and I wish you good luck.
I will be very happy if you support us!

Have a Galactic Day!

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