Build on Windows then Mac

Is it possible to carry across my projects that I’ve started on windows over to my Mac machine to continue working on?

Are there any steps that I need to take to ensure UE finds assists correctly?

Thanks in advance!


If you talk about work with projects, then you has no problem. Just copy between PC an Mac machines and continue work. For Blueprints project - just copy. For BP and C++ - need recompile code under Mac OS. And do not forget synchronize UE4 version on PC and Mac.

Thank you!

Hi svv3dUDN,

Could you describe how to synchronize UE4 version on PC and Mac? I have successfully built on Mac but if I open my existing .uproject it wants to copy/convert it due to different engine version on Mac…

EDIT: Never mind - the answer was in this answerhub post. Specifically - I moved my project within my engine directory (so that it could be found with the .uprojectdirs file), and I removed the random GUID from the “EngineAssociation:” line in the .uproject file. After that, the same project opens on Mac fine :slight_smile: