I’ve been working on attempting to automate my builds on Mac using the terminal.
Once it reached the “Build Command Started” stage shortly into it, it throws
“ERROR: BUILD FAILED UBT Manifest (Project)/Intermediate/Build/Manifest.xml does not exist.”
I looked through the log and it mentions “XGE was requested, but is unavailable, so we won’t use it” not sure if this is important but seems like it shouldn’t be a problem. Otherwise, I tried adding a Manifest.xml to the folder, and it gets deleted
It checks if UnrealBuildTool.exe exists, then deletes Manifest.xml in the project, checks if the BuildTool exists again, and tries to generate a manifest and returns ExitCode 0 (so I assume success since other ExitCode 0’s indicated that). Then it checks if Manifest.xml exists again and fails
There is a Manifest.xml in the (Engine)/Intermediate/Build folder and it updates after the “generate manifest” step. (is it maybe pointing to the wrong space then?)
More testing info: building in editor updates (Engine)/Intermediate/Build/Manifest.xml (and deletes it after updating it) but does not create a manifest in (Project)/Intermediate/Build/
After some further testing, I started trying to figure out what each of the arguments contributed
it turns out the “-installed” argument is what was causing the error. Removing “-installed” fixed my issue. I think it’s because it’s being run as “noeditor” as opposed to being turned into an installer first or something.