Build lighting Swarm agent [Interface:OpenJob] Error: Invalid namespace error

Hello, I haven’t used unreal in a few weeks and now I’m unable to light build in any project.
Yesterday I installed the new 5.4.2 update and I haven’t been able to make it work in any older version or project since. When I press build the output log gives me the following:

LogStaticLightingSystem: Warning: Failed to build lighting!!! Lighting build failed.

The swam agent gives me the following error:

[Interface:OpenJob] Error: Invalid namespace

I tried everything I could find, but none of the solutions worked. The only possible solution that I haven’t tried yet is resetting windows. But i’d rather not do that ofcourse.

I finally found a way to fix it!

Thanks to domoskan for the fix:

  1. Windows+X => Command Promt(Admin)
  2. cd \windows\system32\wbem
  3. mofcomp cimwin32.mof
  4. Restart unreal engine (just to be sure)