Hi. Using a Unreal 5 VR template with nothing new on there, just the basic template, any time I do “build lighting” the program crash showing this message on crash reporter window:
Assertion failed: CurrentGPUVirtualAddress != 0 [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12DescriptorCache.cpp] [Line: 729]
My PC specs: i7 6700k 32GB RAM Video RTX3060ti
Try going to ‘Project Settings’ and search for “Directx.” Change the ‘Default RHI’ to ‘Direct X 11.’ Yes, I know this is not optimal as Direct X 12 is the latest implementation but, it’s a workaround that can get you going if you don’t need Direct X 12 functionality specifically.
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