Build for quest keeps giving me a SDK 33 required error even though my project is built with 33

I am absolutely at my wits end, after checking off numerous hitches to getting the build to work at all after following the instructions on the community tutorial page on building for quest on Unreal 5.3.2., I’m getting this error when attempting to install the APK to my headset:

Error:Failed to parse APK file: /data/local/tmp/filename-arm64.apk: Requires newer SDK version #33

and than a buncha line references, followed by

Exception occurred while executing install: java.lang.illegalArgumentException: followed by the same thing I posted above.

I’ve got SDK 33 installed, I’ve uninstalled every other SDK, 32 isn’t even on my ■■■■ machine anymore. All the correct command line tools are installed, and I’ve tried changing my JAVAHOME variable to both the jdk installation suggested by the community tutorial and the one that android studio grabs by default, neither of them work. My build log says its building with SDK 33, so why do I keep getting this error? Is there some variable somewhere that is causing the Developer studio/ the headset to think the build was made with SDK 32? Any suggestions are appreciated, or at this point if anyone has a reliable guide on getting Quest builds to run on an earlier version/opinions on what version is best for VR development in general I would appreciate it. I would prefer not to throw in the towel on getting this to work with 5.3.2, but if that’s the wiser choice I’m open to it.