Build for linux (ie ubuntu) 32 bit editions

Hi I run a 32bit is of ubuntu 14.04 lts and I would love to run this program but ou only provide a installer package for windows. Personally it would be great to be told instructions on installing this on ubuntu as I can get a 64bit and install it. I just need instructions on installing this sweet program on Linux.

UE4 only supports 64-Bit linux: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements and Releases - Unreal Engine Forums

If you’re looking to run the editor on Linux you have to compile it: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements and Releases - Unreal Engine Forums

Make sure you have a powerful enough computer to run it, which could be an issue if you’re using a 32-bit operating system.

You have the instructions here, but remember you need 64 bit linux.Install Unreal Engine 4 on Ubuntu - YouTube
Anyways, while with Unreal you have to follow all those steps, Unity engine recently have released a sweet installer. (just press next, next, next, install).
I don’t want to sound like a troll. Just saying :stuck_out_tongue:
c’mon Epic…cough, cough… em… :wink:

PD: I’m also observing that through their linux version of their engine you can also access their assets store page (like their Epic launcher equivalent)…so more ehem, ehem, cough…:wink: