Build for IoS on Windows: "Remote compiling requires a servername"


I want to package the game for IoS but getting the error message when packaging: ““Remote compiling requires a servername””


  • I got an blueprint only project
  • I have VaRest plugin enabled
  • I am a Registered and paid Apple developer and have valid provisions and certificates
  • I have a developer certificate, so i package in development mode
  • I have set the splash screen and all other icons to the default ue4 icons and deleted all my saved, binaries, build and intermideate files from the project folder
  • I have Itunes installed on my windows PC
  • I am totally new with packaging for IoS

My project settings

The build log:
LogTemp: Display: Executing iPhonePackager Validate Engine -project D:/Administration/HyperReuts-Administration/Projects/ILT-Inspectiespel/UE4Project/InspectieSpel/InspectieSpel.uproject -bundlename com.hyperreuts.InspectieSpel
LogTemp: Display: CWD: D:\Epic Games\UE_4.20\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\IOS
LogTemp: Display: Initial Dir: D:\Epic Games\UE_4.20
LogTemp: Display: Env CWD: D:\Epic Games\UE_4.20\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\IOS
LogTemp: Display: BranchPath = SECONDLOOK/D/Epic Games/UE_4.20/Engine/Binaries — GameBranchPath = SECONDLOOK/D/Epic Games/UE_4.20/Engine/Binaries
LogTemp: Display: Searching for mobile provisions that match the game ‘InspectieSpel’ (distribution: False) with CFBundleIdentifier=‘com.hyperreuts.InspectieSpel’ in ‘C:\Users\ERuts\AppData\Local/Apple Computer/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/’
LogTemp: Display: Phase 0 considering provision ‘InspectieSpel.mobileprovision’ named ‘Inspectiespel’
LogTemp: Display: … Failed phase 0 name check (provision app ID was
LogTemp: Display: Phase 1 considering provision ‘InspectieSpel.mobileprovision’ named ‘Inspectiespel’
LogTemp: Display: Looking for a certificate that matches the application identifier '

LogTemp: Display: … Provision entry SN ‘0D62BC3A8FED4EA8’ matched 1 installed certificate(s)
LogTemp: Display: … … Installed certificate ‘iPhone Developer: Eric Ruts (KZCSG5J499)’ is valid (choosing it) (range ‘11/8/2018 11:23:56 AM’ to ‘11/8/2019 11:23:56 AM’)
LogTemp: Display: Picked ‘InspectieSpel.mobileprovision’ with AppID ‘’ and Name ‘Inspectiespel’ as a matching provision for the game ‘InspectieSpel’
LogTemp: Display: Looking for a certificate that matches the application identifier '

LogTemp: Display: … Provision entry SN ‘0D62BC3A8FED4EA8’ matched 1 installed certificate(s)
LogTemp: Display: … … Installed certificate ‘iPhone Developer: Eric Ruts (KZCSG5J499)’ is valid (choosing it) (range ‘11/8/2018 11:23:56 AM’ to ‘11/8/2019 11:23:56 AM’)
PackagingResults: Error: Remote compiling requires a server name. Please specify one in the Remote Server Name settings field.

Hope someone can help me out.

Kind regards,


Please see: Remote compiling requires a server name. Please specify one in the Remote Server Name Setting Field. Not packaging from Windows to IOS in last Unreal versions (4.17-4.21) - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums

Same problem too.Also enable VaRest.