Build Failure with Unreal Engine 4.22.1

I was not sure where to post this so I’ll post this here…
I usually am able to figure out Build Failures fairly easily, but I keep getting this error:
“UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)): LogInit: Display: LogAISub: Error: EnvQueryManager_0 is an invalid outer for UAISubsystem instance Example_Shooter
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)): LogInit: Display: LogAISub: Error: EnvQueryManager_1 is an invalid outer for UAISubsystem instance Example_Shooter”
I have no clue on how to fix this, idk even know what the EnvQueryManager is.
Here is a link to the full log…Should take you to github.
Thank You For Reading This any Help or ideas on how to fix are much appreciated.

We had some content that raised this error and it was fixed by resaving the maps that were raising the error.

Issue fixed

I’m getting the exact same error message - however, re-saving maps does not fix this error. Any further ideas?

Also getting this and hoping for additional ideas

Same here. Re-saving does not help.

Paste the log please : P ?

Neongho I fixed the issue