Build fails because of … Asset IDs?

I have a project that runs just fine in the Editor and as Standalone, but as soon as I package, I get an “Unknown Cook Failure”, with this error message for all 15 Paper Sprite assets from one specific Texture Atlas (line breaks by me):

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogAssetManager:
Registered PrimaryAssetId PaperSprite:0UHD
for asset /Game/SpritesThirdPerson/Art/SpritesDAP/0UHD.0UHD
does not match object’s real id of !
This will not load properly at runtime!

I have deleted the /Intermediate, /Save, /DDC, /Build, /Binaries folders.
I have validated the assets and
I have deleted the assets, imported the texture atlas and extracted the sprites again.
I have tried Development and Shipping builds, with forcing Full Rebuilds.
Always the same errors.

Do you have any idea what could cause that error, and how I might fix it?