out put log attached, ive been running into this error quite a bit & now i am frustrated with the lack of slolutions i could come up with. i have to demo this game tomorrow and i just need a win 64 build packaged for it to work on my other pc.
[1]: 86207-outputlog.txt (1.29 MB)
update, everything from MS visual studio is running fine, all c++ libs & what not is fine. i tried to package for win 32 linux & mac same errors. i tested in the launcher it worked till half way then crashed, citing an error im unfamiliar with. so no progress. ill try to keep posted
update 2, going to test run=FixupRedirects to see if it will get rid of the some old unreferenced assets and try to repackage again, flipping fingers crossed.
update 3, i reimported a bunch of old and unused but oddly still referenced assets that i should have ran the FixupRedirects cmd on. so i have the ue4 cooker going on again and so far no failures, i will update when & if the build either finishes or fails, till then butt hole clenched & fingers crossed.
still no solution, now im trying to salvage the project, ill have to test migrating everything to a new project, build still failed even after i ran the fixes i mentioned before, honestly i am starting to regret running with unreal on this project.
update 4, ok i selected my file in my main project and just migrated to another new project same 4.10.4 and it packaged just fine. could never pin point what exactly was creating the error
No worries, also as an update that i sort of ran past, since i was pressed to get the demo working in front of an audience i figured i should add that a very specific audio node in UE 4.10.4 was causing secondary crashing (post Build Crashing) after packaging. the culprit was this cross-fade by distance param i was using for environmental audio. i didn’t know why, but after i deleted it the project was green through my full run through.
anyway obj happy game deving, its rough but addictively cathartic
IT WORKED! We also need to present tomorrow and our whole project didn´t package. I migrated all the Levels into a totally new and blank project. an voila. Thanks man, you saved my horse
Hi, for anyone that sees this i found the problem and the solution
i had the same issue when i tried to package
so i kept thinking what would do this until i remembered something that we all must have done
i have had a blueprint that i
manually copied from one project
folder to another
so i went in the project and deleted
that blueprint then saved and
restarted the project and tried to
package again and it worked just fine