Build error

cant package my game , any clues ?

UATHelper: Paketerstellung (Windows): Initializing script modules…
UATHelper: Paketerstellung (Windows): Total script module initialization time: 0.14 s.
UATHelper: Paketerstellung (Windows): Using H:\Epic\UE_5.5\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\DotNet\8.0.300\win-x64\dotnet.exe
UATHelper: Paketerstellung (Windows): Executing commands…
UATHelper: Paketerstellung (Windows): Installed Sdk validity:
UATHelper: Paketerstellung (Windows): Win64: (Status=Valid, MinAllowed_Sdk=10.0.19041.0, MaxAllowed_Sdk=10.9.99999.0, Current_Sdk=10.0.26100.0, Allowed_AutoSdk=10.0.22621.0, Current_AutoSdk=, Flags=“InstalledSdk_ValidVersionExists”)
UATHelper: Paketerstellung (Windows): Scanning for envvar changes…
UATHelper: Paketerstellung (Windows): … done!
UATHelper: Paketerstellung (Windows): Cleaning Temp Paths…
UATHelper: Paketerstellung (Windows): BUILD SUCCESSFUL
UATHelper: Paketerstellung (Windows): Setting up ProjectParams for C:\Users\notth\Documents\Unreal Projects\SWG\SWG.uproject
UATHelper: Paketerstellung (Windows): ********** BUILD COMMAND STARTED **********
UATHelper: Paketerstellung (Windows): Running: H:\Epic\UE_5.5\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\DotNet\8.0.300\win-x64\dotnet.exe “H:\Epic\UE_5.5\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.dll” SWG Win64 Development -Project=“C:\Users\notth\Documents\Unreal Projects\SWG\SWG.uproject” -Manifest=“C:\Users\notth\Documents\Unreal Projects\SWG\Intermediate\Build\Manifest.xml” -remoteini=“C:\Users\notth\Documents\Unreal Projects\SWG” -skipdeploy -log=“C:\Users\notth\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\H+Epic+UE_5.5\UBA-SWG-Win64-Development.txt”
UATHelper: Paketerstellung (Windows): Log file: C:\Users\notth\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\H+Epic+UE_5.5\UBA-SWG-Win64-Development.txt
UATHelper: Paketerstellung (Windows): Creating makefile for SWG (no existing makefile)
UATHelper: Paketerstellung (Windows): No valid Visual C++ toolchain was found (minimum version 14.38.33130, preferred version 14.38.33130). Please download and install Visual Studio 2022 17.8 or later and verify that the “MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 build tools (v14.38-17.8)” component is selected in the Visual Studio 2022 installation options.
UATHelper: Paketerstellung (Windows): Total execution time: 0.52 seconds
UATHelper: Paketerstellung (Windows): Visual Studio 2022 x64 must be installed in order to build this target.
UATHelper: Paketerstellung (Windows): Took 0,59s to run dotnet.exe, ExitCode=6
UATHelper: Paketerstellung (Windows): UnrealBuildTool failed. See log for more details. (C:\Users\notth\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\H+Epic+UE_5.5\UBA-SWG-Win64-Development.txt)
UATHelper: Paketerstellung (Windows): AutomationTool executed for 0h 0m 1s
UATHelper: Paketerstellung (Windows): AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=6 (6)
UATHelper: Paketerstellung (Windows): BUILD FAILED
LogStreaming: Display: FlushAsyncLoading(1529): 1 QueuedPackages, 0 AsyncPackages
PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Error

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It looks like UE 5.5 requires a newer VS version than 5.2.1. Looking at my Log_GPF.txt that is output with the error I see this
“Please download and install Visual Studio 2022 17.8 or later and verify that the “MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 build tools (v14.38-17.8)” component is selected in the Visual Studio 2022 installation options”
While VS 22 17.6 works with UE 5.2.

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