July 3, 2016, 10:01pm
Everything works great in the editor. But when I attempt to deploy to my Android device it fails with “Unknown Error”. Looking through the log it states…
error: no member named ‘MipGenSettings’ in ‘UTexture2D’
Even though it’s perfectly fine in the editor?
Hey DannRees,
Does this error message reference a specific texture or is that all the error message states?
Can you provide me with the full log attached in your response so I can take a deeper look into the issue?
Let me know if you have further questions or need additional assistance.
July 5, 2016, 5:00pm
Hi Andrew,
Thanks for your reply. It’s specifically referencing a texture I’m creating dynamically in C++.
I managed to get it to build by surrounding the line with an IF as follows…
I’ve not managed to test it on Android again yet but it builds and seems to run ok on iOS (which was also giving me the same error).
If you’d still like the Log I can remove the IF and attempt to rebuild?
Well it sounds like the issue is resolved since adding the IF statement. Try testing on your Android device and let me know if you get the same issue.
Let me know if you need additional assistance.