Build error - help needed...

Hello everyone… I need help.
Before I start; I have to tell that I’m a level designer, and a blueprint-user. I only built small game jam games using Blueprints, and I never delved into C++ Territory. Until now.

I’m using Tefel’s Directional gravity plugin in game I’m making. The game failed to package, due to “LNK 2001 - Unresolved External Symbol”.

I’ve contacted a friend of mine, and then I’ve created an empty C++ project (In the process, I ended up upgrading the Visual Studio 2022). The empty project, even after building it within Visual Studio (F7?) gives out the same LNK 2001 error.

I need help solving this… Log file attached below:

Xenofighter_P01.log (469.2 KB)

Thanks in advance!

Greetings @Shroudeye

Welcome back to the forums! With the LNK 2001 error, I’d recommend taking a look at this post. There were multiple people with the Unresolved External Symbol error, including the LNK 2001. They were able to resolve this as well. I hope this helps!

Hello, @FrostyJas; and thanks for the reply.
Which post are you referring to? I don’t see a link in your post…?

Ive solved this problem, by checking out this thread: LNK 2001 unresolved external symbol - #7 by Ari_Epic?
Re-installing Visual Studio 2022 & having it update did the trick.

Thanks for your time!

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Hi Shroudeye!

I’m glad you were able to get the issue resolved. I updated the link. It was actually to the same post you referenced! Fantastic!

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