Build an array from a vertical box inside a Widget

I am looking to create a carousel menu, in which I need to build an array of inventory slots from existing UMG Images inside a vertical slot box, but I’m struggling to access the variables. This widget is behind an RT, so I have no idea how I should target it and then build a list for use as inventory slots. How would I do this?

The setup looks like so:

3 Images > Vertical Layout Box > Widget > Blueprint > RT Camera > UI

I need to access the vertical layout box so that I can build an array of the 3 images that will be used in a carousel menu.

Any ideas?

Go into the widget designer and select the vertical layout box. Next to its name at the top right there will be a checkbox to make it a variable. This will allow you to access the vertical box widget from the blueprint graph.

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I’ve targeted the widget, and casted to it within the context of the RT camera blueprint, however I am unsure as to how I should be unpacking the variables from it. How should I do so?

The following is psuedocode

VerticalBox -> GetChildren<ImageWidget> -> GetBrush -> GetImage

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