Build a Timeslider for Animation

Hi i´m trying to build a Timeslider to controll an Animation.
I made a Skeletal Animation in Maya and now i want to make a Timeslider to scroll through my Animation.
Implement the Timeslider to my UI is no Problem but how to controll my Animation with it, is actual my biggest Problem.

Has anyone a idea how to build this??? right now i´m a little bit desperate.

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I found a Solution by myself. Put all Skeletal Animations in a Matinee and create a float variable in the widget blueprint.
Set the position of the animation into the variable and set the position of the slider based on the time of the animation divided by the length of the animation.

If anyone wanted to know exactly how to do it ask me. It´s a lot of stuff to explain.

I realize it has been a while since this question was asked, but this seems pretty useful and rarely talked about so I found a bit of a hacky solution.

First I created a montage out of the animation I wanted to scroll through, I am also doing this with a character blueprint, the mesh of which has a animation blueprint created as well.

For montages to play, I also connected the default slot for montages in front of my state machine in the anim graph of the anim BP.

Then, in my character BP, I set up the above picture. I am using a semi-2d look so I’m checking for where the character is on y axis, then range mapping the position to drive the animation, “.333” being the length of the montage.

The most important parts are that the “Montage Play” node has an “In Play Rate” of 0, and is being called on a tick.

The “Montage Stop” node must also be called when you want to resume use of your anim BP since the play rate being 0 makes the montage active indefinitely.

It should also be very easy to connect a UMG slider to the map range, it would just be from ‘0’ to ‘1’, mapped to ‘0’ to ‘length of montage’

Thanks for this Info. Do you know how to use sliders to play through an animation? I would like to connect a slider to my animation and when I drag the slider it runs through the animation. Let’s say you import an simple cube animation with translate and rotation from Maya that you have done. Then you connect the animation to the slider in Unreal. How do you do that, can’t find any info about Driven, or Run or Play your animation with a UI slider for Unreal anywhere? Can you look into this? You started to use Sliders and in the animation scroll you use press a key? Have you time to show in more details all the different BP you need to have on this matter. Thanks in advance. Hope for a reply.