(bugs) The levelInstance transform in conflict during editing

There is an editing conflict with the levelInstance. I am sure OFPA is disabled.

I am using levelInstance as a prefab, simultaneously as both pre-placed and dynamically generated in the persistent level. Editing the levelInstance within the persistent level and separately in the levelInstance itself results in erroneous transform overrides, causing incorrect the root pivot positions. The pre-placed and dynamically generated positions are always incorrect. The following are the reproduction steps:

  1. Create two empty levels, one as the persistent level, and one as the levelInstance. For reference, place a mesh at 0,0,0 in each.
  2. Place the levelInstance into the persistent level at any position, but not at 0,0,0.
  3. Edit the levelInstance within the persistent level, the pivot and mesh positions is not 0,0,0 anymore, reset them.
  4. Save and exit the editing, you will see the levelInstance automatically return to its original position, not 0,0,0. Ok, It looks make scene.
  5. Open the levelInstance separately, you will see that the mesh position is no longer at 0,0,0, reset it and save.
  6. Go back to the persistent level, you will see that the mesh inside the levelInstance is now even further away. Congratulations, you have now entered a state where the root of the levelInstance cannot be reset to 0.

When editing the level, it is inevitable to edit in both, and this error may lead to serious issues, especially for pivots bound to specific actors, which may even require recreating the level. Now, I will avoid editing within the persistent level.