[BUGREPORT]Modes view can't be added to Content Browser tab

Hey there,

Today i noticed a bug in a completely newly created project in 4.12

You can’t add the modes viewport into the content browser, but you can add the content browser in the modes viewport.

Video: - YouTube
Not a source build.

Steps: Create project in 4.12, get Content Browser and Modes viewport as serperate windows


Hi Celeste,

When trying to reproduce this issue in UE4.12, I found it was possible to dock the Modes viewport beside the Content Browser in a separate window as shown in the attached video. If I am not reproducing the issue correctly, please point out what I’m missing.

Video: ModesWindow


Hey there,

Not sure why it’s not happening since it’s happening in 5 of my 4.12 projects. The only difference i notice is that the content browser tab on your end is rectangular while mine has rounder corners.

I also upgraded to 4.12.1 yesterday and issue persists there.

Modes has the rectangular corners and content doesn’t, however in your video both has it.

Here’s a video of how to reproduce the rectangular corners and rounded corners difference. Depending on what you first un-tab from the combined tabs it will give rounded or rectangular corners, and the issue only exists on rounded corners.

Hi Celeste,

Thanks for clarifying the conditions necessary to reproduce the issue on our end. I have used this information to enter the following but report: UE-31822. When this issue has been resolved, we will notify you with an update to this post. In the meantime, if you need to work with the Content Browser docked beside the Modes tab, you can work around this issue (as you’ve shown in your video) by dragging the Content Browser into the Modes window.

