Bug with Set Emitter Enable?

I have a particle system inside a blueprint, and under certain circumstances I need to get it to stop producing particles (while still running).

I can call Set Emitter Enabled with (New Enable State)=false and it stops the particles from being emitted, as I expect.

However, subsequent calls to Set Emitter Enabled with (New Enable State)=true do not turn emission back on.

Is there a bug here, or should I be doing this differently?

Ah … I think I see. “Seconds Before Inactive” was set to 1 by default, and setting it to 0 seemed to allow the particle system to not get killed.

Epic, is this the correct fix?

This seems confusing to me; it seems to me that particle systems shouldn’t commit hara-kiri by default, and this ought to be a check box plus a float rather than just a float. Just a suggestion …

Hey -

You are correct. Particle Systems are built to be engine safe in most cases so they tend to err on the side of killing themselves as to not burden the rendering engine.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

oh wow it just cost me a day to find the reason behind my particles somehow auto- deactivating.
I use a similar setup where i set the spawn rate dynamically.

And appears you have to set it on each use when added to an actor, not just the system itself.