for some reason, in unreal engine 5.3 when i hide a streaming level and then unhide it, any landscape that existed within that streaming level becomse intangible. it is still visible its just its collision is disabled somehow. this only happens with packaged builds (im packaging for windows) i cant even replicate it by using the PIE option of “launch standalone”
To recreate this bug i only had to create a new project with the first person template, create a persistent level, create two sublevels, both initially loaded, one of them initially visible and the other hidden, put a landscape into each level and sculpt them a bit to distinguish between the two, then on “Debug Key 1” i just flip flop between hiding level 1 and showing level 2 and the inverse operation. by doing this and packaging the project i can recreate the behaviour of landscapes becoming intangible after hiding and unhiding.
so far i have been refering to this as a bug, but maybe its intended behaviour and im missing something. at any rate, if someone knows something about this please let me know since this is pretty game breaking and the only solution i have found is to totally unload and load the levels isntead of just hiding and unhiding, but as you can imagine longer load times are not ideal. thanks in advance for any help i get.
tl;dr: i had the similar yet different problem, maybe it’s relevant
That’s weird that you mention you having it in 5.3. There was a similar bug with world partition - landscape collision was being lost on streaming out and not being restored on streaming in, also only in packaged build. But it happend on 5.1 and supposed to be fixed on 5.3 (at least i had it fixed this way).
Since it’s likely an engine bug, the first thing i’d try is to test it on the latest engine version, which is currently 5.4.
But seems you don’t use world partition for streaming and instead streaming levels manually, so probably while similar, it’s not exactly the same one. Still, for the referrence, that’s the commit with the fix of the problem for my case. Also i won’t recommend using world partition anytime soon, since it’s still have problems even on 5.4
Thanks! i will look into this and test updating to 5.4, altough im a bit reluctant to update my project to a higher engine version since it could potentially require me to fix a bunch of stuff for other changes that were made in the latest release.
I did try at one point to replace world composition and classical level streaming with data layers and world partition, but as you say, its not nearly there yet. i found a lot of bugs and inconsistencies on how to even stream layers in and out. so granted i wont be going that route anytime soon.
Thank you so much for the information you shared, im sure it will be useful!
oh, looking at versions on commit i linked, it seems i misremember and bug actually was in 5.3 and fixed in 5.4. This way it fits your description and engine update should probably help you
You may try integrate just the linked commit into your 5.3 engine (so you’ll still have 5.3 but with a fix). I did spend like a week or two trying to do it: that commit is based on at least another one commit with quite notable changes to engine. So, while it’s possible (after all epics did release 5.4 with a fix), it’s not trivial.
Consider how long will it take to migrate your project to new engine - it can be faster than attempting to fix engine with an uncertain result.